By Robert J. AvrechI suppose we should not be surprised that Barack Hussein Obama is secretly running with the Syrian Islamists.
Afterall, it was Obama who insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood get front row seats to his first speech in Cairo. And, of course, it was Obama who threw Mubarak under the bus in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood. And it is Obama who continues to support the Jew-American-Christian hating Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian tyranny.
My friend Barry Rubin, one of the most astute observers and analysts of the Middle East, has written an important post about Obama’s secret support of Syrian rebels. Have no doubt, these rebels are just as bad, if not worse, than Assad, the human monster they are attempting to overthrow. This coalition of sharia-yearning rebels are fanatic Islamists whose ultimate goal is the genocide of the Jewish people, and the founding of a caliphate that is ethnically cleansed of all non-Muslims.
The United States is training and helping arm radical Islamist guerrillas who want a Sharia state in Syria, who believe Israel should be wiped off the map, and who may soon be murdering and oppressing Christians and other groups in Syria itself.
In a new development, as indicated by statements from Secretary of State John Kerry and other sources, the Obama Administration is not only arming but now training Syrian rebels. We know that the weapons are going to radical Islamists—both Muslim Brotherhood and smaller groups.
We don’t know from which groups these people now being trained militarily by the CIA in Jordan but the odds are that they are from radical Islamist groups including the Brotherhood. Finding out who is receiving this military training—which they are sure to use for other purposes in future—should be a priority in the national debate and in questions from Congress.
Since the U.S. criterion for weapons’ supply is only that the groups are not al-Qaida—the Muslim Brotherhood and other Salafists are acceptable—isn’t the training criterion the same?
In the 1980s the United States was convulsed by a scandal because the Reagan Administration was providing arms—through Saudi Arabia—and training to the pro-American Contra group in Nicaragua that were fighting against the Marxist regime there. It was alleged that the Contras participated in some torture and killing of civilians. Well, today the Obama Administration is doing the same strategy—with Saudi and Qatari help—in Syria, with much more likelihood of atrocities by those it is helping. On top of that, those being helped are largely anti-American and radical Islamist. Yet there is no serious concern being raised.
by jj
Today I heard senetor Graham from south carolina in his usual self-important way begging for help for the poor rebels whom Assad would be using chemical weapons against!! What rubbish. He was joined by Democratic Senators from Oregan and Michigan all swaggering andPontificating the need for arming these terrorists.
This lie being peddled about the toppling of Middle Eastern leaders as being a good thing and in the name of democracy is an outright lie. These countries are falling into a system of total Islamic law and that is evil in itself. You cannot mix democracy and Islam as they are polar opposites, so using the guise of promoting democracy in the region is an outright lie.
This tradgedy is a direct consequence of Obama’s interference by sending bombs in America’s name to topple Egypt and Libya.for his beloved Muslim Brotherhood. It seems the only promise Obama has kept is to Radicle Muslims when he wrote “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”. Wake up America!!
Filed under: Islam, Muslims, Obama Administration, Politics, Radicals Tagged: audacity of Hope, Islam, muslims, Obama lie, radicals